Bibliotheek Conservatorium
Bonnefantenstraat 15
6211 KL Maastricht
Tel: +31 (0)43 - 346 63 42
Pascal Nypels:
Madeleine Stevens:
The library is located on the third floor of the Classical Department. For Music in Education, there is a library collection in the annex. Membership of the library is open to students, lecturers and staff. Your student card is also your library card. Lending is free of charge for students and staff.
The library contains reference works, books on music, sheet music, orchestral materials and journals.
Library online
The library catalogue and other facilities can be consulted irrespective of place or time through the library website.
The Library Music Guide (LibGuide) is the best place to start your music research. Use this guide to find print and electronic resources for music, including e-journals and music databases.
Library at home
All online resources can also be used at home through the Music LibGuide. Conservatorium Maastricht students and staff will have free access to, among others:
· Oxford Music Online – the leading online resource for classical music research;
· Nkoda - a sheet music streaming service with access to over 100.000 titles from the world's leading music publishers;
· Donemus - free access to more than 10.000 digital Donemus scores
· International Journal of Music Education – full text e-journal
· Qwest: video on demand - 1300+ concerts and documentary films in jazz, soul, funk, classical and global music
Bibliotheek Conservatorium
Bonnefantenstraat 15
6211 KL Maastricht
Tel: +31 (0)43 - 346 63 42
Pascal Nypels:
Madeleine Stevens: