How to become
a Classical Master
Step 1
Do I have the required prior education?
Before you can take the entrance examination for the two-year full-time Master of Music in Classical (120 ECs), you need to check whether you have the right prior education. You need to have at least:
- a Bachelor's degree in Music, or attained a comparable level by other means, tailored to the requirements of the programme;
- You must also meet certain language requirements, see our Language Requirements
EU candidates
If you register before March 1 and pass the admission procedure and also meet the legal admission requirements you are guaranteed a place at the programme.
Application between March 1 and May 1 is possible but we can not guarantee a place in the Classical programme.
Non-EU candidates
You must register before March 1. Applications after 1 March will not be accepted.
Need help?
If you need help with your application, please contact the Zuyd Enrolment Office, enrolmentoffice@zuyd.nl.
Step 2
Register via Studielink
If you want to study at Conservatorium Maastricht (part of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences) and take the entrance examination, you first need to register via Studielink. This is the national application website for higher education in the Netherlands. It is also available in English and German. Do not worry, you only need to pay for your studies if you are admitted to the programme. Conservatorium Maastricht doesn’t handle an audition fee.
When you sign up choose at Educational Institution for Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and for study programme for Master of Music.
More about how to use Studielink
After registration at Studielink, you will receive a proof of registration and a student number.
Non Dutch applicants will also receive (from noreply-osiris@zuyd.nl) an invitation for an online application to upload your documents (passport, diploma, etc.)
From the ICT department of Zuyd University (noreply-ict@zuyd.nl) you will receive an email with your username and password. This is sent to the e-mail address you entered in Studielink. This gives you access to several online facilities of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, such as Zuyd e-mail, the electronic study platform Moodle, Teams and the Zuyd information portal Zuydnet.
Do not confuse your username and password with the login data you have created for Studielink.
Non-European applicants will also receive a questionnaire around May from Zuyd University and Osiris for the application of the resident permit/visa.
Non-Dutch students who are having problems making an account in www.studielink.nl please write an email to enrolmentoffice@zuyd.nl.
Need help?
If you need help with your application, please contact the Zuyd Enrolment Office, enrolmentoffice@zuyd.nl.
Step 3
Entrance Examination
Now you have registered, the next step will be your entrance exam.
The audition consists of a practical exam and an interview.
For the practical exam you need to provide some documents (including an audition video). This part must be completed before March 1. The detailed information will be sent to you by email. Information about the specific admission requirements is also available on our website, see this page and choose your main subject.
On the basis of the result of the submitted documents, it will be decided whether you will be invited for an interview and or invited to take a live audition / streaming or you will be rejected.
The interview (10-15 minutes) is related to the Master research Project (MP); the MP is an important subject of the Master of Music study. It requires an active investigative attitude and the willingness to think critically. Both will be addressed in the interview. When you are invited for the interview, you will also receive further information concerning the preparation to the interview.
The live auditions/streaming will take place between 15 March and 31 March, the exact schedule will follow in due course here.
After both parts (practical and interview) have been completed, a decision will be made, and you will be notified whether you have been admitted to the Master programme, the Preparatory Course Master or have been rejected.
Need help?
If you need help, please contact the Educational Affairs Office, bo.conservatoriummaastricht@zuyd.nl.