Master of Music
The two-year internationally-oriented Master of Music serves the purpose of deepening your experience, practice and knowledge of jazz and beyond. Our approach focusses on experiment through practice-based and performance-based research connected to your main subject and your personal and professional goals in music. Building knowledge that will serve you being a musician, ready for our society of today.
We look at you, your art, and how this works as a business. We deepen your understanding and familiarity with jazz (and jazz related) music of our own most recent times, worldwide, basing ourselves on a large background in history and tradition. In the Jazz department, students are trained to become a creative professional and versatile musician. Jazz artists who can put their own unique and artistic identity on the market with great flair. We guide and shape musicians who will make a career for themselves as inspiring players, band leaders, composers, arrangers, teachers, producers, organisers and/or managers, on an international level.
Explore our Master Jazz Preparatory Course by visiting the following page to learn more about that course.
More about the Preparatory Course Master Jazz
Select the main subject of your choice and find more information about this main subject:
More about the Master Jazz programme

Master Team
During this Master's you will receive top education from the best.
Our team of permanent main subject teachers and guest teachers will pay particular attention to helping you define your own sound, style and profile, developing your own music and leading your own projects.

Group Lessons
Scheduled group lessons
Mostly on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Impro Lab, Master Band, Band Recording & Music Production,
Mixing & Mastering, Current Jazz, Music & Society, Master Circle,
Your Art as a Business (YAB) and masterclasses
Main subject lessons, own band rehearsals, outreach programme,
workshops, Find Your Own Music (FYOM) coaching and
master research coaching

Elective Modules to choose from
From Monday till Friday (dependent on Module)
- Advanced theoretical analysis
- Advanced ear training
- Composing & arranging (various: e.g. film, Big Band, world, composition lab)
- Advanced teaching skills (various: e.g. theory of methodology, work placement)
- Advanced rhythm
- Conducting & ensemble leading
- Producing your own music